WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:12.720 --> 00:00:16.400 hello and welcome back to this  cyber security awareness course   00:00:17.360 --> 00:00:22.320 in previous videos we've talked about the  definition of cyber security and we talked   00:00:22.320 --> 00:00:30.000 about the basic elements regarding that including  confidentiality integrity and availability and   00:00:30.000 --> 00:00:36.640 we've also talked about some cyber security  facts including malwares passwords and others   00:00:37.440 --> 00:00:42.160 so in today's video we're going to start with  security measurements or safety measurements   00:00:42.800 --> 00:00:48.560 beginning with device safety now before we start  talking about how you can keep your device secure   00:00:49.520 --> 00:00:54.960 you have to keep one thing in mind  every device with any operating system   00:00:54.960 --> 00:01:01.840 is vulnerable some people might tell me well i  have a mobile device how could it be vulnerable   00:01:01.840 --> 00:01:08.000 well there are viruses and malwares for mobile  devices whether they were an android or ios   00:01:08.000 --> 00:01:15.760 devices and for windows for short there are  malwares for windows and for mac as well so   00:01:15.760 --> 00:01:23.520 how can i keep my device secure well the use  of anti-virus is a must whether it was a mobile   00:01:23.520 --> 00:01:29.920 device whether it was a computer device running  a mac or windows you have to have an anti-virus   00:01:31.200 --> 00:01:36.400 do not download cracked or unknown  applications now some people tend to   00:01:36.400 --> 00:01:43.520 download cracked applications because they cannot  afford the high price of the original application   00:01:43.520 --> 00:01:48.720 but let me tell you something in the previous  video we've talked about malwares we've talked   00:01:48.720 --> 00:01:55.920 about how they can be injected in any sort of  files so when you download cracked applications   00:01:55.920 --> 00:02:00.640 i can guarantee that for sure there is  a malware injected in those applications   00:02:01.920 --> 00:02:09.200 be careful of using untrusted usbs these days  hackers tend to do something called a bad   00:02:09.200 --> 00:02:18.160 usb attack now what that does is they have a  code injected on that usb that whenever they   00:02:18.160 --> 00:02:25.680 put this usb inside of a computer the code would  auto execute itself now we said that the malware   00:02:25.680 --> 00:02:32.560 is a computer program and computer programs are  written in some sort of a programming language   00:02:32.560 --> 00:02:39.120 so what they do is they turn this usb into a  controller device instead of a storage device   00:02:39.840 --> 00:02:47.440 and the code would auto execute itself and  therefore you would get hacked next we have beware   00:02:47.440 --> 00:02:53.360 of outdated applications now what companies do is  that they issue an update for their softwares and   00:02:53.360 --> 00:03:00.640 applications every now and then and these updates  mainly contain bug fixing and security fixing now   00:03:00.640 --> 00:03:06.320 i know that sometimes they issue an update that  contains new features but i'm talking about these   00:03:06.320 --> 00:03:11.920 updates that companies issue every month or  every two months if you read the description it   00:03:11.920 --> 00:03:18.560 would say that oh this update contains bug fixes  and security fixes so we should always do these   00:03:18.560 --> 00:03:25.760 updates in order for us to be secure and we should  also be aware of downloading outdated versions   00:03:25.760 --> 00:03:32.960 of programs and applications because sometimes  or most of the times these old versions   00:03:32.960 --> 00:03:39.920 could trigger a vulnerability on your device or  sometimes it could have a vulnerability itself so   00:03:39.920 --> 00:03:45.920 we shouldn't download outdated applications under  any circumstance now next we have make sure your   00:03:45.920 --> 00:03:52.800 firewall is on now we can imagine a firewall as a  computer program that works as a barrier between   00:03:52.800 --> 00:03:59.040 your computer and the rest of the network so for  example if you are connected to a certain network   00:03:59.040 --> 00:04:05.520 and someone else on that network is trying to  send you data or if you are trying to send data to   00:04:05.520 --> 00:04:12.240 someone else on that network then that data has to  go through the firewall first now this is really   00:04:12.240 --> 00:04:17.680 cool because if someone is trying to send you  data and that data has to go through the firewall   00:04:17.680 --> 00:04:24.240 then the firewall would ensure that this data  is not malicious meaning that this data won't   00:04:24.240 --> 00:04:30.720 harm your computer now got an example of  antiviruses over here for pc and for mobile   00:04:30.720 --> 00:04:36.800 the first one is sofas and the second one is  bitdefender now keep in mind that there are   00:04:36.800 --> 00:04:43.360 always other antiviruses out there but these are  just examples that i've chosen to demonstrate in   00:04:43.360 --> 00:04:48.720 this video now later on i'm going to show you how  they both function now somebody might ask me well   00:04:48.720 --> 00:04:54.560 what if i don't have an anti-virus what can i do  in this case well we've got a solution for you   00:04:54.560 --> 00:05:01.040 you can use a website called a virustotal now of  course there are other websites like virustotal   00:05:01.040 --> 00:05:06.960 but i've chosen this one what you do is you  upload the file in which you believe is suspicious   00:05:06.960 --> 00:05:15.280 and virustotal would run multiple scans in order  to see if this file has a virus or not now without   00:05:15.280 --> 00:05:21.600 further ado let's go ahead and demonstrate all  these things all right so we're on this windows   00:05:21.600 --> 00:05:27.360 environment right now and as you can see over here  i've got two tabs open i've got the bitdefender   00:05:27.360 --> 00:05:33.600 tab and i've got the sofas tab now one thing to  keep in mind is that both of these softwares are   00:05:33.600 --> 00:05:39.360 the free editions of bitdefender and sopas so  of course the premium edition is going to have   00:05:39.360 --> 00:05:46.080 much more capabilities from what we're going  to be reviewing in this video but the idea is   00:05:46.080 --> 00:05:53.120 to understand how anti-viruses in general work so  the download process is really easy you just hit   00:05:53.120 --> 00:05:59.040 the download button over here and it's going to  start downloading and same thing goes for sofas   00:05:59.040 --> 00:06:06.240 but one thing i want to say is that this is the  virus removal tool from sofas now the antivirus   00:06:06.240 --> 00:06:12.960 that sofas provides is called intercept x but this  tool is really good when it comes to scanning your   00:06:12.960 --> 00:06:20.640 computer and removing viruses and it's going to  have the same database as intercept x so before we   00:06:20.640 --> 00:06:27.600 start reviewing these two softwares let's go ahead  and start with a virustotal all right so we're   00:06:27.600 --> 00:06:33.360 on this linux environment right now and as you  can see over here i've got virustotal opened up   00:06:33.360 --> 00:06:38.400 now let's go ahead and observe this screen  for a little bit we've got three tabs we've   00:06:38.400 --> 00:06:44.960 got the file tab we've got the url tab and the  search tab now in the file tab is where you   00:06:44.960 --> 00:06:52.640 actually upload a file to virustotal and it would  start a scan against that file in the url tab is   00:06:52.640 --> 00:06:58.560 where you just put in a url and it would tell  you if it contains a malicious activity or not   00:06:59.360 --> 00:07:05.440 and in the search tab over here is where you put  anything else that you have in mind for example   00:07:05.440 --> 00:07:13.520 an ip address a url a domain a file hash anything  else that you have in mind and you want to check   00:07:13.520 --> 00:07:19.760 if it has a malicious activity or not so let's  go ahead and try the url tab over here let's go   00:07:19.760 --> 00:07:29.040 ahead and try facebook for example so let's just  type in www.facebook.com and over here it says   00:07:29.040 --> 00:07:36.400 that no engines were able to detect that this url  contains malicious activity and this is because   00:07:36.400 --> 00:07:44.320 facebook is a safe website now let's go ahead and  observe this screen over here we've got a bunch of   00:07:44.320 --> 00:07:51.920 antiviruses and all of them say that facebook is  clean and without malicious activity so we've got   00:07:51.920 --> 00:07:57.520 these tabs over here the detection tab is where  you actually view the results of antiviruses   00:07:57.520 --> 00:08:05.680 and in the details tab over here we can see all  the details about this particular url for example   00:08:05.680 --> 00:08:12.720 the http response the serving ip address and so  on now in the relations tab over here is where   00:08:12.720 --> 00:08:20.080 we actually view all the relations regarding this  uh website and in the community tab over here is   00:08:20.080 --> 00:08:25.360 where we actually see what people say about this  website so for example over here take a look at   00:08:25.360 --> 00:08:32.400 this this comment over here says that facebook is  clean and without any malicious activity all right   00:08:32.400 --> 00:08:38.320 so let's go ahead and go back for a little bit and  go to the file tab so in the file tab over here   00:08:38.320 --> 00:08:45.120 we're just going to upload a file now i've got  this virus.exe file this is actually a virus that   00:08:45.120 --> 00:08:52.000 i created before i recorded this video in order  to see what virustotal has to say about this file   00:08:52.000 --> 00:08:58.000 so let's go ahead and upload it and as you can  see over here it says that 23 engines were able   00:08:58.000 --> 00:09:04.000 to detect that this is actually a virus so let's  scroll down a little bit we can see the bunch of   00:09:04.000 --> 00:09:12.640 antiviruses that say that this is a virus now the  text in red over here is what the antivirus has   00:09:12.640 --> 00:09:18.560 to say about this particular file so for example  we've got this uh antivirus that says that this   00:09:18.560 --> 00:09:24.480 file contains a trojan now we can see a list  of antiviruses over here we've got bitdefender   00:09:24.480 --> 00:09:31.120 the one that we mentioned we got kaspersky we got  microsoft we got avg and if we scroll down we got   00:09:31.120 --> 00:09:38.160 sofas and we've got some other antiviruses but one  thing to notice is that some antiviruses were not   00:09:38.160 --> 00:09:45.040 able to detect that this is actually a virus and  this goes back to the strength of the antivirus   00:09:45.040 --> 00:09:52.480 now every antivirus company has a database of  known viruses so once you start an antivirus scan   00:09:52.480 --> 00:09:59.520 it would check if that particular file is in  its database of known viruses and if it is   00:09:59.520 --> 00:10:05.680 then it would identify this file as a virus  so this is what makes for example microsoft   00:10:05.680 --> 00:10:12.000 better than this particular antivirus and it  is because microsoft has lots and lots of known   00:10:12.640 --> 00:10:20.320 viruses in its database now one thing i want to  say is that virustotal and other virus scanning   00:10:20.320 --> 00:10:26.720 websites are not an alternative for antiviruses  and this is because antiviruses when they're   00:10:26.720 --> 00:10:33.040 installed on your device they check the behavior  of any software so even if they don't have that   00:10:33.040 --> 00:10:40.560 virus in their database they would just check the  behavior of that file in which it contains a virus   00:10:40.560 --> 00:10:47.520 and it would tell you that oh this particular file  is trying to spy on your data so it is a virus   00:10:47.520 --> 00:10:53.280 and this is the cool thing about having an  installed anti-virus on your device so remember   00:10:53.280 --> 00:10:59.520 buyer scanning websites are not an alternative for  antiviruses but they are good if you don't have an   00:10:59.520 --> 00:11:05.840 anti-virus but in that case you will have to be  careful when you download stuff on your device   00:11:05.840 --> 00:11:12.160 now let's go ahead and scroll up a little bit  to this tab where it says details now in details   00:11:12.160 --> 00:11:18.320 over here we can see the basic properties of  this file over here tells you all the hashes   00:11:18.320 --> 00:11:25.920 of this particular file and a hash is basically  a code we can imagine it as a code or something   00:11:25.920 --> 00:11:34.160 concerned with any file in the world so any file  has a hash and this hash identifies the file so   00:11:34.160 --> 00:11:44.000 what virustotal does is that it matches this hash  with known hashes of viruses out there so if the   00:11:44.000 --> 00:11:51.680 hash is identified to be a virus then that file  is actually a virus so this is how virustotal   00:11:51.680 --> 00:11:58.240 works and this is why it is not better than an  antivirus because it only checks for the hash   00:11:58.240 --> 00:12:05.440 of the particular file that you just uploaded it  doesn't check for the behavior of the file itself   00:12:05.440 --> 00:12:10.320 now over here in the community tab we can  just open it up we can actually see what   00:12:10.320 --> 00:12:16.800 people have to say about this particular file we  can actually see that we've got one review about   00:12:16.800 --> 00:12:23.120 this particular file over here and this is it  really about virustotal like this is everything   00:12:23.120 --> 00:12:29.200 that i have to say about virustotal of course  there are other scanning websites out there and   00:12:29.200 --> 00:12:36.160 virustotal is only one of them and i've chosen  virustotal to be a demonstration in this video   00:12:37.040 --> 00:12:41.280 right now since we're done talking about  virustotal let's go ahead and check out   00:12:41.280 --> 00:12:48.560 bitdefender and sofas all right so let's go ahead  and see bidd defender and sofas now as you can see   00:12:48.560 --> 00:12:54.720 over here we've got the bitdefender interface and  we've got a button that says system scan and this   00:12:54.720 --> 00:13:00.800 is how an anti-virus works you just schedule a  scan and it would scan your device and tell you   00:13:00.800 --> 00:13:07.680 if it has any viruses or not now one thing i want  to show you over here is that we can just scan a   00:13:07.680 --> 00:13:14.240 single file for example this particular file over  here we can just drag and drop it into bitdefender   00:13:15.040 --> 00:13:22.240 and it would start a scan and over here as you  can see as a notification it says on demand scan   00:13:22.240 --> 00:13:28.720 scanned one items and detected zero threats  and this is really great about bid defender now   00:13:28.720 --> 00:13:34.400 over here we got this settings icon if you just  click on it we've got a bunch of options we've   00:13:34.400 --> 00:13:41.040 got events quarantine exclusions protection  account info help and support so let's go   00:13:41.040 --> 00:13:47.520 ahead and navigate to events over here you will  find the list of all events in which you've done   00:13:47.520 --> 00:13:53.200 in bitdefender so for example the file that  we scanned it tells us over here that we've   00:13:53.200 --> 00:14:01.200 done an on-demand scan and it scanned one items  and detected zero threats all right so over here   00:14:01.200 --> 00:14:07.840 we've got quarantine for example if we have  an infected file it would appear right here   00:14:07.840 --> 00:14:14.720 in which bitdefender puts this file in quarantine  away from the system so that it wouldn't be able   00:14:14.720 --> 00:14:21.600 to harm or infect other files in your system in  exclusions over here if you're an ethical hacker   00:14:21.600 --> 00:14:28.400 or if you're just a penetration tester and you're  testing out a piece of malware or a piece of virus   00:14:28.400 --> 00:14:35.120 then you can just put it in the exclusions tab  over here so it's as if we're telling bitdefender   00:14:35.120 --> 00:14:42.240 that oh this file will be excluded from the scan  meaning that this file is safe it's just like   00:14:42.240 --> 00:14:48.400 telling bitdefender that oh don't scan this  particular file now if we click on protection over   00:14:48.400 --> 00:14:53.920 here we can just see uh the list of options we can  see that we've got the protection shield over here   00:14:53.920 --> 00:15:01.040 and it is set to on meaning that bitdefender is  currently active and over here we've got product   00:15:01.040 --> 00:15:07.520 information and anti-malware engine properties  we can just see the version of the engine the   00:15:07.520 --> 00:15:12.560 bit defender engine over here all right so let's  go ahead and take a look at sofas now this is the   00:15:12.560 --> 00:15:18.720 virus removal tool given by sofas it says over  here welcome and it says that this tool is up   00:15:18.720 --> 00:15:24.320 to date and this is really great to have such a  tool that is always up to date with its database   00:15:24.960 --> 00:15:30.640 now the process is simple as well you just hit the  start scanning button and it would start scanning   00:15:30.640 --> 00:15:37.360 your device to see if it has any threats or not  now this is it about bitdefender and sofas and   00:15:37.360 --> 00:15:43.840 this is it about this video i hope that you  liked it and i'll see you in the next video